Watercare Rosedale Biogas Pipeline


Fulton Hogan


Hazardous Areas

The Challenge

Our client, operating a Wastewater Treatment Plant, needed a reliable and compliant solution for integrating Explosion-proof devices into their new biogas pipelines. The primary requirement was to align with the standards set by AS/NZS60079.14, ensuring safety and operational efficiency in a high-risk environment.

Our Solution

Our approach was to provide a comprehensive, turnkey solution that adhered to the specific standards of Watercare. Our team, drawing upon our experience in similar projects, developed a detailed design and installation plan. This plan included several key components:

  • We compiled a thorough Hazardous Area Dossier. This included a list of all hazardous area equipment, detailed installation inspection sheets, and Inspection and test reports (ITR) specifically for the cables.
  • Our installation process involved careful placement of instrumentation cables and devices in accordance with the provided drawings. We ensured the use of durable cable containment hardware and implemented equipotential bonding for additional safety.
  • To aid in maintenance and identification, we installed SS316 engraved labels on all cables and instruments.
  • A Certificate of Compliance was issued upon completion, confirming adherence to all relevant standards and regulations.
  • We also arranged for an independent third-party inspector to conduct a Hazardous Area Inspection, following which a Record of Inspection was provided.

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The Result

By focusing on the specific needs of our client and utilising our team's collective knowledge in hazardous area work, we successfully addressed the challenge presented to us. Our ability to deliver this project promptly showcased not just our expertise, but also the efficiency and adaptability of our team. The results were a testament to our commitment to delivering quality solutions in specialised and challenging environments, ensuring our client's operations were safe, compliant, and uninterrupted.

Let's Talk

Contact Solve Electrical to find out how we can help your operations.